Side view skull of xray

CER 500 Sports-Related Concussions

Time limit: 112 days
4 credits

$200 Enroll

Full course description

With millions of young athletes experiencing the effects of sport-related concussions each year, the need to effectively prevent, diagnose, and manage concussions is a major priority. With concussions being labeled as a significant public health issue, there is an immediate need for concussion awareness, training, and management programs across the globe. Widespread dissemination of knowledge has the potential to decrease the rate of concussions occurring in sports, as well as improve the current guidelines in place. This course provides an in-depth review of the risks, prevention, recognition, treatment, and management of sport-related concussions, as well as discusses the importance of awareness and education strategies for coaches, athletes, parents, administrators, and health care professionals.

(This is the paid version of the course for CE credit)